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FMS joined the retirement party for affairs “Kon Dee Sri Sunandha 2018”

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2018-10-24 11:41:38

    On 28th September 2018, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (SSRU) organized the party “Kon Dee Sri Sunandha 2018” for showing the sympathetic and respect for the retired people of the year 2018. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luedech Girdwichai, the president of SSRU was the principal of the party on the 4th floor of Health and Sport Center.

     In this year, the faculty of Management Science has one retired person, Mr. Somchai Buaroong, professor from the Department of Business Computer. On the day, many professors and support staffs from the faculty of Management Science has joined the party. In the party, there were many activities such as, VDO presentation, speech from the retied people, and gift to the retired people with the atmosphere filled with love, friendship, warmth, and joy.